Saturday 4 February 2012

The Value of Reading

Here's some good advice from Mahindra Raj:

Where would we be if we didn't have people who share their personal stories through self improvement articles and self improvement books? Because at the very least, self improvement articles and self improvement books give us a feeling that we are not alone in our struggles. Most often they raise our energy, and level of belief and faith that we can do it, achieve it or overcome it too. And at best, self improvement articles and self improvement books give us a clear direction, a sense of purpose again and clear steps of how we can move forward in the direction that will fulfil us most.

There is no doubt that constantly reading self improvement articles and self improvement books can only help us in our journey forward, not just towards achieving things in life but most importantly towards helping us become the higher self that we are inside. And by becoming that higher self that we are and continually spiralling upward, we can serve and contribute in more positive ways towards others who are perhaps in struggles we were once in. Reading self improvement articles and books helps give us different perspective on life and it experiences.

Hence, continually reading self improvement articles and books and then perhaps even writing your own can itself be so helpful to not only you, but others too.  So keep on reading and writing.

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